So I am starting up the blog again! I am going to try to quit FB...Maybe...Probably not. But that is the goal. It is taking too much time away from what is important. I enjoy catching up with a lot of people that I never see anymore, but really if I were that interested, wouldn't I see them? So I am hoping that this will be a better use of my time. At least here, I am recording our family history. Well, telling stories about my crazy lilfe, but isn't that the same thing?
So my husband, who coincidentally is sitting across the room on his laptop. I have no idea what he is doing, nor he me. (Is that gramatically correct?) Anyway, we have been sitting here in silence; each working on his/her laptop. A little scary, at least it would be if this were the norm. It's not. We're usually talking, laughing, playing, joking (he thinks he has jokes) with each other and with the kids. We have two of those. They're pretty cute. Anyway, Brent is awesome. I can't downplay this at all, because he is. It's as simple as that! He loves me and he let's me know it. He respects me and he wants to make me happy. These things, and the fact that he is, simply put, a good man, make him an amazing husband. The fact that he is a great husband makes him a wonderful father. He is an excellent example for our girls. They will one day be looking for someone like him, whether they realize it or not and I am so thankful for the example he is providing them of what to look for in a spouse.
Katelyn is 3 and Sarah is 7 months. They are both cuties. Katelyn is a thinker and analyzer. You can just see the wheels turning in her head as she works out a problem. She thinks outside the box, definitely. She has some great sayings. I know one deay I will regret not writing them down. Maybe I can record some of them here. Sarah is a little spitfire and a second child to the core. She is feisty and grabby, but I'll be darned if that child does not smile in her sleep! She is the smilingest little thing! It is such a sweet, big, whole face smile too. I love seeing it. She is determined too. When she sees something she wants to proceeds with dogged determination until she has it. Both of these girls are sweethearts.
Enough for now. I am going to hug my husband.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Let's get this blog rolling!
Posted by
7:22 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
Fun with Daddy
Daddy and Katelyn playing....
Daddy spots something
Katelyn: Hmmm what's daddy doing?
This could be fun...
Faster daddy!

Posted by
12:40 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Mommy's Mess Up!

Posted by
7:22 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Working Hard!
We visited Brent at work today and Katelyn made herself right at home in his office. When Brent saw her banging on the keyboard, I swear I saw a little twinkle in his eye. I bet she has her own laptop by next week!
That would make five computers in the Gunn house and we are a family of three! Is anyone surprised? If so, go back and read the house hunting post!
Posted by
8:26 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gotta Love Her!!!!
My baby girl is getting so big!!! It's hard to believe that she is 13 months old. She is walking and talking now and MISS INDEPENDENT! She wants to do everything on her own! She waves me off when I try to hold her hand while she is walking and she has to hold the fork and stab her own food when she is eating. She has just started asking, " 's dat?" She points and says it. It took me a few times to realize what she was saying. She is fearless! She goes down the steps by herself (with mommy or daddy VERY close to her, but don't tell her!). She runs from me when I am trying to dress her after her bath. I let her get down the hall a little way before I give chase! She gives kisses with a big "MMMMUUUAAAAHHHHH!" It may be the cutest thing ever! When she is ready to get out of bed she yells, "Hey!" until I come and get her. Then she gets a fresh diaper and goes to find daddy and wake him up. She throws her diapers away when she gets changed. She cleans up, which right now consists of putting things in something...anything. Like today, we were cleaning up her fridge magnets and she tried to throw them in the garbage. But, hey, you gotta start somewhere.
This is my third or fourth week of summer. I am afraid to check. I know it is going by way too fast! Every day I get to play with Katelyn and see her learn new things. We have our little routines and our days are interesting. I truly cherish every day I get to spend with my little girl! I was a little nervous, because last summer was not nearly as fun. I enjoyed my time with her, but it was a lot more work. This summer, I am more confident with her and she is more confident in the world around her, so we are both a lot more relaxed. I know what she needs and she is always happy unless she is sick, tired, or hungry. Today she helped me unload the dishes from the dishwasher. She handed me the spoons and forks (the knives had already been removed) and it was such fun! One thing I have learned is to make the decision each day that my time is her time. When I devote my time to her, we both have fun. I can do laundry while she naps. When I try to get other things done, I tend to end up annoyed because she is demanding too much of my time. So I just decide that my time is for her and I never get frustrated when she wants my attention. Of course, it is not a fool proof plan, but it works for the most part.
She is growing so fast and learning so much that I am terrified of the day that she will not need me for anything except money! The other night we were putting on jammies - after I caught her and dragged her back - and she was lifting her foot and putting it in and putting her arm through without help from me and I began to get a little depressed. Then her little pinky got stuck and she looked at me with those big blue eyes and there was hope yet!
Posted by
11:11 PM
Dad's 50th
We had a surprise party for my dad's 50th birthday. He thought he was cooking out with just his kids and grandkids, but we invited friends and family over. He was pretty surprised. We had a lot of fun!
Posted by
7:50 PM
Get off the road!!!!
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7:48 PM
Splash Beach Water Park
Posted by
7:34 PM