Thursday, December 20, 2007


Katelyn has a bit of a stubborn streak that she gets from her dad. Sometimes when I change her diaper, she will try to roll over. I try to hold her, pacify her with a toy, tell her NO, all to no avail. She will keep on and keep on until she is on her stomach. Tonight, I was trying to get her ready for bed and she decided that this was not what she wanted to do. So she kept trying to roll over, then, when she was over (by the way I love that look they get once they get to their stomach that says, Wow! Look at the view from here!) I had to pick her up and lay her back down, at which point she would stiffen her body and walk her feet back so I couldn't get her down. I gave her two lotion bottles (she plays with the small travel ones when we get ready for bed) both of which she threw behind the dresser. I was on my way to the bathroom to get a third bottle with her under my arm - her butt sitting on my hip - counting down from ten so as not to lose it when I caught a glimpse of her in the mirror. I broke out laughing. She had a look on her face that said, Okay, where are we going now. She was just looking around taking it all in. She had no idea that I was frustrated to no end and she was the cause. All she knew was that she was headed on another adventure with mommy! I love this kid!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Have a Merry Christmas!

The Gunns
Brent, Rachel,
& our little star: Katelyn

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lord send an angel...

This is my little daredevil. She knows no fear. She loves to be thrown up in the air, held up by her ankles, ridden around on the space mobile (which does occasionally crash), and she will crawl off a bed - as we all know. She has eaten paint, paper, and who knows what else off the floor - of course to her it all looks good! She has had Apple Juice and Nilla Wafers - and who knows what else, Grandaddy???? She has been clobbered with the stocking holder from the mantle. There was also the time mommy covered her with a blanket so she wouldn't get chilly, only to find it wrapped around her head at two in the morning. Still she smiles and laughs, because through it all, she really doesn't ever know she was nearly killed! (Well, she might have had a small clue when she fell off the bed.) She still crawls straight to the edge of the bed or chair to look over. She still tries to dive out of my arms and into the bathtub. She still commandoes straight into walls. (I mean really, at what point do you get the concept of, "Hey there's a wall there - maybe I should stop.")

So I say, Lord send an angel to protect my precious little angel. Because we both know mommy is not always on top of her game and she's pretty fast! And Lord, please let her always know that even if I get there a little late or can't be there at all, that you will be.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Big Buds!

Posted by PicasaWe went to the lake for a Thanksgiving dinner with the Gunns & Allbrittons. Katelyn and Pop hung out and caught up on the news. I know it's too early to tell, but these may be two peas in a pod!

PG Christmas Parade

Getting ready to go watch the Christmas Parade! We are so excited!

Katelyn was very interested in all the things going by.

Cousins Lonna Grace and Emma Kate love taking care of their baby cousin.
I am sure they will teach her many things!

Getting a ride with Daddy! In case anyone hasn't noticed yet (because it's not obvious)
this is one wrapped daddy!

Katelyn's Dedication

Katelyn was dedicated on December 2nd. It was so sweet. Brent's family drove over from Georgia and my family was there. Katelyn got to wear the beautiful Christening gown that Brent's mother made and her cousin Issa wore before her. The family came over for lunch after church. It was such a big day for Katelyn and we appreciate everyone making it so special.
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Monday, November 26, 2007

How will she ever survive???

Well, it finally happened. Katelyn fell off the bed. It was Thanksgiving night. I have to admit that even when having all those conversations with seasoned moms who said it happened to everyone, I was secretly thinking, "Not me. I'm so careful." Ha! The sad thing is that when I put her down on my mom's bed (we went through her bedtime routine over there) and stacked the pillows around her, I said to Brent, "Check on her very often, because she can fall off the bed." Yes, those words came out of my mouth and I still left her on the bed. She cried, well screamed, for a few minutes-real tears came out too! Heart wrenching! I cried for a while longer (I'm tearing up now just thinking about it! :). She was eventually deemed okay, and I was reassured by my sister, sister-in-law, and mother that Katelyn was not the only baby to have fallen off the bed and no, there would not be any permanent damage - to her anyway. She can also still say "bye bye" and wave, which she had just learned the day before.
Then, yesterday Katelyn had some paint. She was riding along in the cart like a big girl- just holding on and looking around acting all nonchalant. Then when I grabbed the paint can and went to push the buggy, Miss Priss grabs the can, pulls it to her mouth and puts a big tongue swipe on it! So we lose the can and run the bathroom - Katelyn with her big paint smudged grin and head bobbing as I fly over the bumps with the shopping cart - and wash the paint off her tongue. I was pretty upset until I realized that this is probably the reason they don't make paint with lead anymore.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hilton Head

We went to Hilton Head for a wedding this weekend. What a beautiful place, and the wedding was wonderful! This was my second Allbritton wedding and they really know how to throw a party!

This was Katelyn's first documented trip to the beach. We went this summer, but did not get one picture. She saw the sand for about three minutes the first trip (too hot) and about five minutes trip (too cold). We did get a few cute pictures though. I am thinking the top one for Christmas cards-maybe. It depends on how well pictures go at our house this weekend. I am inspired by Mandy's (Allbritton) Christmas card from last year. It is my favorite-hands down. It featured a picture of Issa in the middle of a huge laugh! It was so spontaneous and sweet! I may try to copy her this year. Let me know what you think about the top picture for a card. (Also I am trying to avoid my big butt being in the picture.)
No, we have never seen the dog before. And instead of getting Katelyn out of the line of kisses, I thought, Hmmm, what a cute picture!

These two are always getting into something! They know Uncle Brent (daddy) is a sucker! Do you think someone has daddy wrapped around her little finger?
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Daddy's Cowgirl

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hanging out

Last night we went to get our family picture made. It was much less painful than I imagined. Despite the occasional screaming kid, we got some good pictures. Katelyn, who smiles almost nonstop at EVERYTHING she sees, did not smile in one single picture. She looks either very serious or very confused in all of the pictures. She wasn't quite sure about the grown man dancing around with the toy monkey. I say she's got a good head on her shoulders! We are going to have some pictures taken at our house where hopefully she will be more relaxed and smile!
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Sunday, November 4, 2007

License? What license?

Halloween Fun!

Wow! Blogging really gets shoved to the back burner if you don't watch it! We have been BUSY! Katelyn especially. She is working hard growing hair and trying to get big. She has done so many things since I last posted. It's been a whirlwind! Here is a quick update in the life and times of Katelyn Gunn:
Shoes: She got shoes the other day. They are sooo cute!! Whenever I put them on her she makes it her single goal to get them off. She will ignore all else and work vigorously to remove those funny things from her feet. This is only if I have been successful in getting them on in the first place seeing as how she curls up her toes the minute she spots the shoes.
Crawling: She is getting close to crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth then falls on her stomach. She can commando crawl, which for now is adequate for her needs. I see her kicking it up into high gear the first time mommy or daddy out of the room and she decides not without her!
Reading: She is a reader! She loves when I read her books. She even tries to hold them and sometimes eat them, but the point is that she really enjoys books!
Words: She is definitely saying "dada" among other less distinguishable words. Brent says she said "mama" the other day, but I think he just feels bad. I have heard a "ga" and "ba."
Piano: She is a regular Mozart. I attribute it to Baby Einstein, though she doesn't get much TV time. With me working, I just want to play with her when I get home. She goes to bed so early that I don't want to waste the couple of hours I have with her on TV. She does love to "jumpa jumpa" though! So back to the piano. This is noteworthy because I bought it about a month ago and was disappointed in her lack of coordination (just a little and I didn't let her see it). She basically saw it as a giant chew toy. So I put it away, and when I got it out the other day, she just began pounding out some tunes! Imagine my pride!
Halloween: I must say she was darn cute! We went to Tanniehill the weekend before and camped with my family. It was great fun-mostly! Katelyn was a pumpkin (thanks Nana for the costume). She did not trick or treat this year, but she did hand out candy. She went to bed fine and everything was great until it was time for us to go to bed. We stayed in a camper with Catey, Cody and Lonna Grace. As we got ready for bed, Catey and Brent woke Katelyn up. She just watched and watched as quiet as could be. Then when we all got settled in bed, Katelyn decided to practice using her voice! We finally got her to sleep. She slept in our bed for the first time. Halloween night she was Minnie Mouse (thanks Emma Kate). What a cute Minnie Mouse! She trick or treated at my mom's and we went to my aunt's and ate chili. We did run out of gas - yes, the car dies and everything!- on the Jaybird Road exit going to PG. I'm sure Brent would like it noted that the gas gauge on all 2004 Yukons has been recalled.
I cannot believe how fast she is growing. She has a personality now-a pretty pushy one I might add! I use my stern voice with her and she just grins like a little Cheshire cat! This morning she conned the nursery lady at church into feeding her lunch at 9:15! She knows a sucker when she sees one! I can't let Brent go put her passy in in the mornings when she should be sleeping, because it never fails-he comes back down with a little Katelyn just grinning ear to ear! I'm telling you she knows!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Time Flies!

Katelyn is growing up so fast! She is saying dada and trying to crawl! She is eating carrots and peas and green beans!
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She didn't really get any of daddy's tea. She just wanted to chew on the cup. She is getting so big! Oh my goodness! She will be 6 months next week! She is trying to crawl, saying dada, and eating big girl food! It's all happening so fast! It seems like every day she is doing something new! We go to the doctor for her 6 month checkup next week.
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Friday, October 19, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

We went to The Pumpkin Patch with Nana, Grandaddy and the whole family. It was a lot of fun. Katelyn really loved the hayride. She picked out a pumpkin too. We went to Homestead Hollow the day before. Katelyn had a big weekend!
*Mommy has lost ten pounds since that picture. She finally quit using baby as an excuse!

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