DO NOT EVER put Vaseline in your child's hair!!! Why would I do this? Well, Katelyn had what is known as Cradle Cap. You may have heard of it. It is some type of dry scalp that causes scaly looking skin on her head. When I discovered it, I was freaked out! Her head looked like that of an alien! Well, I read on WebMD that you could put Vaseline in her hair about an hour before washing and it would help "slough off" the dry skin. HA! Don't do this!!!! We washed it about ten times Saturday night and it was STILL THERE!!!! I looked it up on the internet and found several different remedies. So Sunday morning, we tried Cornstarch, Baking soda, egg, and Dawn dishwashing liquid. After all of these things we gave up and went to church with Katelyn looking as if her hair had not been washed in weeks! They probably prayed extra over her in the nursery! We tried again Sunday evening with the corn starch and Dawn and I am relieved to say that the majority of it is out. I think after one or two more washings it will be gone! Brent decided (and probably correctly) that the reason they say Vaseline is if you can get that crap out then the Cradle Cap will be gone!!! And it is for the most part!

That is too funny, I'm sure it wasn't at the time though. Katelyn had a small case of cradle cap a few months ago & the Dr. said to use Selson Blue. It seemed to help but she smelled like an old man! Maybe that will help. Glad to know what not to use=)
That is hilarious! I think you should let Brent do her hair more often. :) Selsun Blue works great and clears it up pretty fast too.
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