Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Folding Clothes

Katelyn is such a big girl! She is sleeping through the night. She ate at 9pm last night and we got her down about 10. She slept until 7:15 this morning! She has been sleeping through the night since June 1st and we are so thankful! She was going back to sleep immediately after her first am feeding, but that was when is was at 5:30 or 6. Now she is sleeping a little later, she is staying up after that first feeding. She either stays in her crib and watches her mobile -big fun! Or she helps me out. This morning she helped me with the laundry. She really enjoyed it. She mainly watched the ceiling fan while I folded. She LOVES the ceiling fan. Many times when I am holding her on my shoulder I have to hold her head in my hand because she leans back to look at the ceiling fan.
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Jenn said...

You guys are so lucky. I can't wait for Owen to start sleeping through the night. He is still waking up every three hours. I know I shouldn't complain, it could be worse. Hopefully he will get the hang of it SOON.

Katelyn is so precious and she has such cute little cousins too. I can't believe how much Emma Kate looks like your Dad and Matt. Lonna Grace looks just like her Mommy.

Jenn said...
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